Enabling Machines
Empowering People

and Real Estate Insights from Deep Learning & Sensor Fusion

By 2025

The world will generate over
exabytes of data per day
Cameras will record
billion hours of daily video
While an additional
billion IoT devices will collect data from other sensor types
The dawn of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Era will unlock value from this data in use cases spanning massive markets including: supply chain, retail, marketing, national security, and law enforcement.
Powered by the Anno.Ai Engine, we build AI-first applications designed to seamlessly enable powerful new end user capabilities at Ooh.I.C.  This is how science fiction is made real.

Interested in our work or join us? Write to us!

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Contact us if you want to know more about how Ooh.I.C. can help develop the potential of AI in your company.
Dworocwa Street 7/101,
87-100 Toruń, Poland